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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Disney

10 Reasons Sales is the BEST Job

Sales often has a bad reputation...

It's often associated with people that lie, people that are slick, people that apply pressure, hound customers, are purely money driven etc

The reality couldn't be farther from the truth

The best salespeople are the complete OPPOSITE to that.

They want to help people, solve problems and live to serve their customers.

For those out there who have entrepreneurial spirit, enjoy finding solutions, enjoy meeting and building relationships with new people and who are driven by money and success, then sales could be the best job for you.

Here are our 10 reasons why we think sales is the best job out there, if you have one to add make sure you write it in the comments box at the end!

1. It's Like Running Your OWN Business

In sales you often manage your own customer base, what you do each day and every action affects how much you earn. You're responsible for finding customers, building relationships, selling and creating a pipeline that brings in new opportunities every month.

If you want to make more money, make more sales. If you need more customers you can prospect more, if you want referrals, you can build stronger relationships. You have nearly the same amount of control as someone who runs their own business, which is a huge benefit.

2. It Builds Your CONFIDENCE

It's hard to hide away in sales and succeed so you're often encouraged to come out of your comfort zone in many situations. You may have to phone total strangers one day or present to a panel of decision makers the next.

In sales you are faced with the challenge of building relationships, building trust and asking people for their money and commitment which is no easy task. It requires confidence and if you don't have it at the start you'll certainly pick it up!

3. There's No Shortage of VARIETY

You could be sat at desk phoning people one day then travelling around into meetings the next. Some sales people even get to travel the world. It's rarely the same every day and you'll often be speaking to totally different people each day.

Plus each of your prospects and customers will be different, different people with different interests and experiences.

4. You Genuinely HELP People

There is nothing more rewarding than the feeling that you've helped someone. In sales that's exactly what you do, you listen to their problems and find solutions for them.

You're often saving them money, saving them time or helping make their day, role or company more effective and efficient. It's a great feeling and one of our personal favourites.

5. You Can Make A LOT of Money

The more you sell the more you make, it's that simple! Most jobs out there have a set salary and that's it. In sales you can earn as much as you want, some companies have an uncapped and unlimited earning potential meaning the more work you put in the more you could earn.

(If you want to sell more we would really recommend trying Pipedrive CRM, which helps salespeople sell on average 28% more. It's not just packed with over 300+ integrations and sales features, but it's also been voted the easiest to use. You can try it completely free for 30-days here)

6. It's a Very Rewarding Career

Not only do you make money but the feeling of getting a sale after your hard work is hugely rewarding. Like catching a fish after hours of fishing you can end up spending days, weeks sometimes even months working on a sale and the feeling of finally closing it is amazing.

If you choose to progress to a sales leadership role you get to find, support and see your own team of sales professionals succeed and achieve their goals and dreams.

7. It's Often Highly Competitive

You may be competing with your team or just competing against your own results from the previous month, but competition is fun and a real driver for hard work. If you enjoy sport or you're just a naturally competitive person sales could be a great job for you.

8. There Will ALWAYS Be Work For You

Every company needs sales people and there will always be demand for good sales people. If you can show that you can sell and prove your previous results you should never have trouble getting a job.

9. It's a Skill Valid ALL OVER The World

Sales is a role that you can get anywhere in the world, you don't necessarily need a qualification you just need to be able to prove that you can sell. If you wanted to move to the US, UK, India, anywhere, there will always be companies looking for sales people.

10. It Offers Great PROGRESSION

There are often fantastic career paths built for sales people. This could include going into a supervisory role, sales team leader, sales manager, sales director, sales trainer, sales support, the list goes on.

You'll also find that most Managing Directors, CEO's and business owners all started or have worked in sales during their careers. The skills you gain often tie in very well to running a business.

Those are the 10 reasons we believe sales is the best job! We recently asked our audience why they thought sales was a great career and here were some of the amazing answers people gave us:

  • The best part of sales is making something out from nothing. The customer is buying you.

  • Building new relationships with new people and managing them.

  • I love the interaction with my customers and the ever changing landscape.

  • I personally could never be in a fixed based salary role as I love the fact how hard I work determines how much I can earn.

  • I love working towards a bigger purpose, and the feeling of being the gears & grease that propel our business and economy forward.

  • I love helping customers find the right solution.

  • Got to be the buzz after turning a flat "Not interested" into a sale.

  • I love the people aspect of sales (finding a solution to their, often unique, challenges) and the fact that no two days are ever the same!

Now we would like to know why YOU think sales is the best job!

Please let us know in the comments below. Make sure you click LIKE if you genuinely do like working in sales

Sales really is the best job, and the best salespeople obviously use the best CRM to be as successful as possible...

This is why we love that our newsletter is supported by Pipedrive, in our opinion the world's best CRM for sales teams used by over 100,000+ companies in 179 countries. You can try it for free right here.

The best sales managers choose Pipedrive because it is DESIGNED for sales teams and has been voted the easiest to use CRM.

They normally offer 14-day free trial but if you follow one of our links in this newsletter you'll be able to get an extended 30-day free trial and as a bonus, if you choose to use Pipedrive after your trial, you'll get 20% discount on your first year (that's a pretty amazing offer if we're honest!).

If you're potentially interested in trying Pipedrive out, we have a few extra resources that might help:

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