What is the secret to success in sales? What do the best sales people that others don’t? Are they drinking some sort of secret potion that helps them sell? Perhaps they’re just born with this amazing ability to sell and smash all of their targets.
When you take the time to unwrap how the top sales people in the world do what they do you realise there aren’t any gaping secrets, certainly no magic potions.
It often boils down to a set of key daily habits that separates them from the weak. Whilst they’re focusing on these, others are focusing on activities and efforts that often don’t lead to sales.
Master these 5 habits and you too can become an elite sales person!
1) They Know When To Say NO!
It’s not as easy as it sounds and there are too many sales people who don’t know when or how to say no. Instead they agree to do irrelevant jobs that have no impact on their sales, they engage in activities that act as a distraction and they try to do too much.
Great sales people know when to say no, even to their managers, as they focus their time and energy on activities that are more likely to yield a result. You don’t have to take on every job you get asked to do, doing lots of meaningless work won’t help you hit your targets.
Start saying no to jobs or tasks that won’t help you achieve or beat your target. This doesn’t mean become a hermit crab and don’t help anyone! However ensure you put your success first, get on top of your pipeline and then when you can, find time to help others.
2) They Take Regular Breaks
You may think that those high achieving sales people never take breaks, they’re always working, but it’s quite the opposite. Taking a break isn’t about missing opportunities to sell, but about ensuring YOU are in the best position to perform.
A simple 5 minute break, a walk in the fresh air, some water or food could help re fuel your body to make better calls, hold better meetings and be a lot more effective selling. Do you really think that on a few hours sleep, with the caffeine running out and after taking no breaks you’re going to be at your best?
It’s important to find the right time to break as well, for example don’t take a break during a key prospecting time, or before you’ve achieved what you need to achieve. The break should both be a reward and a re charge.
3) The Start Early and Sometimes Finish Late
You’d be surprised the impact starting early for work can have on your productivity and results. Me personally, I’m normally in an hour early, but even just 15 minutes can allow you to get in, get settled and get focused to start the day. It’s like doing a warm up before excersizing!
I’ve mentioned starting early and SOMETIMES finishing late, because it’s important to maintain balance. Starting early will have a big impact and it’s important to have the mindset that if you need to work later to achieve your goals, that’s fine. Those that literally get in the office for 09:00 and are ready to leave work at 16:55 will struggle to achieve real success.
Either you take control of the day, or you’ll end up letting the day control you. If you fail to keep on top of your day you’ll end up chasing people around, stressing out, and struggling to operate at your peak. Take control of the day and the world is your oyster!
4) They Leverage What They Need To Achieve Success
There are 2 parts to this daily habit. The first is leveraging the tools they need to achieve success. This may include properly using their CRM system, utilising social media, using sales enablement technology etc. Just like a painter will source the right paints, paintbrushes and other materials, top sales people will source and use the tools that help them sell.
The other part is leveraging the people needed to both get the sale and deliver the sale. Elite sales people know how to find and bring together the right people to win the deal. This includes asking for help when they need it and working with multiple departments.
As a sales professional your pipeline is your business and so you need to bring together the team that will help you achieve your goal. The same way a fighter will bring together a team of people including nutrition, fitness, boxing, sparing etc, in sales you’ll bring together the people you need to find, win and provide the best service to your customers.
5) The Remind Themselves What They’re Working For
Selling isn’t easy, you’ve got to find new opportunities, overcome obstacles, battle challenges and work against the tide. To ensure you have the driving force required to push through all of that you need to know, and remember regularily, what you’re working for.
This could include having a picture of your dream car, dream house or dream holiday on your desk or computer background. It might include a chart of how much you want to earn, tracking how each sale gets you closer to it.
This is similar to how you may work hard to get fit to compete or fit into that nice dress, the way you’ll push past the struggle is to remember exactly why you’re doing it. You’ll keep thinking of it, thinking of it even more during the stressful or difficult times helping you push past them to achieve even more. Right now I’m working hard because I’m taking my family to Florida in August and so I want to make it the best possible holiday ever! That’s in my mind day in and day out and pushes me to work harder than ever!
There it is, 5 simple daily habits that can help you sell!
About the author:
Daniel Disney is one of the world's leading Sales, Social Selling and LinkedIn experts. With over 15 years sales experience, Daniel has mastered how to use social media to generate exceptional results, both in social engagement and in revenue generated. His brand new Online Social Selling Masterclass Course is helping salespeople all over the world generate MORE sales with LinkedIn and Social Selling.
Daniel is also a highly in-demand international keynote sales speaker, is the UK's leading sales blogger and is also the Founder and Owner of LinkedIn's most popular sales publication, The Daily Sales. With an audience of over 450,000+ followers and growing by thousands each week, his content reaches millions of salespeople far and wide.
To inquire about Daniel keynoting or speaking at your company or event, or to find out more about his 1-day and online LinkedIn/Social Selling Masterclass please email contact@thedailysales.net.
